Variable getURLConst

getURL: {
    beatmapCoverImage: ((beatmap, server?) => string);
    beatmapCoverThumbnail: ((beatmap, server?) => string);
    toOpen: {
        beatmap: ((beatmap) => string);
        beatmapset: ((beatmap) => string);
        channel: ((channel) => string);
        editor: ((timeline) => string);
        match: ((id, password?) => string);
        spectateUser: ((user) => string);
    userProfilePicture: ((user, server?) => string);
} = ...

This object is a collection of functions that can be useful if you're looking to have an image URL or a URL that interacts directly with the game client!

Type declaration

  • beatmapCoverImage: ((beatmap, server?) => string)
      • (beatmap, server?): string
      • Parameters

        • beatmap: Beatmap | {
              beatmapset_id: number;

          An Object with the beatmapset_id of the Beatmap

        • server: string = ""

          (defaults to "") The server hosting the file

        Returns string

        The URL of a 900x250 JPEG image

  • beatmapCoverThumbnail: ((beatmap, server?) => string)
      • (beatmap, server?): string
      • Parameters

        • beatmap: Beatmap | {
              beatmapset_id: number;

          An Object with the beatmapset_id of the Beatmap

        • server: string = ""

          (defaults to "") The server hosting the file

        Returns string

        The URL of a 160x120 JPEG image

  • toOpen: {
        beatmap: ((beatmap) => string);
        beatmapset: ((beatmap) => string);
        channel: ((channel) => string);
        editor: ((timeline) => string);
        match: ((id, password?) => string);
        spectateUser: ((user) => string);

    The URLs in that Object do not use HTTPS, and instead (try to) open the osu! client in order to do something

    • beatmap: ((beatmap) => string)
        • (beatmap): string
        • Parameters

          • beatmap: Beatmap | {
                beatmap_id: number;

            An Object with the ID of a Beatmap

          Returns string

          The URL that may be used by someone to attempt to open a beatmap through osu!direct

    • beatmapset: ((beatmap) => string)
        • (beatmap): string
        • Parameters

          • beatmap: Beatmap | {
                beatmapset_id: number;

            An Object with the set ID of a Beatmap

          Returns string

          The URL that may be used by someone to attempt to open a beatmapset through osu!direct

    • channel: ((channel) => string)
        • (channel): string
        • Parameters

          • channel: string

            The name of a channel (like french)

          Returns string

          The URL that may be used by someone to attempt to open a channel

    • editor: ((timeline) => string)
        • (timeline): string
        • Parameters

          • timeline: string

            The things you can click on on the discussion page of beatmaps (like 01:01:343 (1,1))

          Returns string

          The URL that may be used by someone to select something when inside the beatmap editor

    • match: ((id, password?) => string)
        • (id, password?): string
        • Parameters

          • id: number

            NOT THE MATCH ID, it's the ID you get when joining the match through IRC, after multiplayer game #

          • Optional password: string

            The password of the room

          Returns string

          The URL that may be used by someone to open the (default) osu! client and attempt to join the match

    • spectateUser: ((user) => string)
        • (user): string
        • Parameters

          • user: User | {
                user_id: number;

            An Object with the ID of a User

          Returns string

          The URL that may be used by someone to attempt to spectate someone in the game client

  • userProfilePicture: ((user, server?) => string)
      • (user, server?): string
      • Parameters

        • user: User | {
              user_id: number;

          An Object with the user_id of the User

        • server: string = ""

          (defaults to "") The server hosting the file

        Returns string

        The URL of a JPEG image of variable proportions (max and ideally 256x256)

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