Interface ScoreWithBeatmapid

This is the kind of score you can expect from the API's getUserRecentScores

interface ScoreWithBeatmapid {
    beatmap_id: number;
    count100: number;
    count300: number;
    count50: number;
    countgeki: number;
    countkatu: number;
    countmiss: number;
    date: Date;
    enabled_mods: number;
    maxcombo: number;
    perfect: boolean;
    rank: string;
    score: number;
    score_id: null | number;
    user_id: number;



beatmap_id: number
count100: number
count300: number
count50: number
countgeki: number
countkatu: number
countmiss: number
date: Date

Roughly (or just after) when the last note was hit

enabled_mods: number

Bitwise flag, feel free to use getMods to see the mods in a more readable way!


If it has Nightcore, it also has DoubleTime

maxcombo: number
perfect: boolean

Whether or not the play has reached the maximum combo it could have (no miss and no missed slider-end)

rank: string

Also known as the Grade, it may be "F" if the player failed

score: number

The score itself, for example 923,357 (without the comma ",")

score_id: null | number

The id of the score!


If the score is a fail (is not completed, has a "F" rank/grade) then this is null

user_id: number

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